Previously in Super Haters: Mulldusa and Doc delivered the bad news to Mind's Eye -- Destruct-O-Tron is dead, killed by a brain hemorrhage.

Super Haters #100

Super Haters #99Ross Campbell
Guest Week
Super Haters #101
New to Super Haters? Start from the beginning with #0!

When Ross told me that he wanted to kill Destruct-O-Tron, I knew that #100 would have to be epic. He scripted his arc just right, making sure that Destruct-O-Tron's funeral landed on this anniversary installment (though, truthfully, #91 was actually the 100th strip due to the variants I did back in the 50s).

Ross's script for #100 originally called for three panels. First rain, then the casket, then the attendees. I suggested combining panels two and three together so it would be rain and then the funeral. But I didn't explain my idea well, and Ross thought I meant one giant panel.

After trying a very rough version of my (boring) two panel version, Ross told me that he thought I was only doing one panel, which I felt was a FAR better idea than what I actually imagined. COLLABORATION! The only downside was that #100 went through a bunch of different versions and it took me days to finish it.

Comments on Ross Campbell Guest Week pt 4? We got 6 so far... leave yours now!

  1. George says:

    Congrats on reaching #100!

  2. Unknown says:

    THX George!!!!

  3. justique says:

    Oh My...what a gloomy day! Life is horrible with destruct-o-tron gone

  4. OMG I can't stop crying **waaaahhh**

  5. oh my its so sad even his future self is there

  6. Unknown says:

    haha yeah, Ross specifically requested Disgust-O-Tron (that's my name for future Destruct-O-Tron)

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