Wet Dream is trying to get some answers about the shady payroll system used by the Marvelous Detectives.

Marvelous Detectives #7

Marvelous Detectives #6Marvelous DetectivesMarvelous Detectives #8
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SHIIIIIIIIIT!!! So much to talk about today.

First off, today's special guest star is Shadoweyes, the kickass vigilante created by Ross Campbell. You may remember that Shadoweyes previously entered into a partnership with Mind's Eye after Destruct-O-Tron "died."

Next up, today I've posted the 500th podcast on AudioShocker.com. In this latest episode, Neal and I deliver our signature style of podcast vérité conversation, discussing goofy religious ceremonies, The Inbetweeners, the In-Betweener, and awful Dane Cook comedy.

As for Super Haters news, the Critiquing Comics podcast took a look at the Haters and, well, they didn't like what they saw! They gave us 3 out of 10 stars. ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

However, during the episode, Tim and Mulele were a bit confused about some of the particulars of the webcomic, including the credits. And that's my fault for not spelling it out more clearly here on the site. So I've added an About page which should hopefully clear up any confusion about who does what and why we do it.

The About page is something I've been wanting to do for a while but just didn't get around to it. Same goes for the new Contact page. I've also added a placeholder for the future Super Haters Shop, something that'll be growing very soon. And, lastly, I added a Wallpapers page featuring a bunch of awesome art by past Haters guest artists and a couple of pics featuring the standard Haters art by yours truly :D

Comments on Marvelous Detectives pt 7? We got 3 so far... leave yours now!

  1. Sophie says:


  2. Sophie says:

    okay sorry that was a terrible comment. i like how Shadoweyes has multiple different eye shapes, like in her own comic she's the least expressive character, but in Super Haters she's more expressive compared to everyone else.

  3. Unknown says:

    hahaha the first comment was fine!! it's not like Scout did much :D anyway, glad you dig the eyes.

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